Non-Communicable diseases, Physical activity, Sedentary behaviourAbstract
Community service, especially health services, considered as an important prevention action to
inhibit non-communicable diseases’ complication, which held in collaboration with Public health
center. This community health services aimed to increase health status through monitoring blood
pressure, fasting blood glucose, and motivating society to perform physical activities to decrease
sedentary behaviour which have positive correlation with obesity, hypertension, thus induces
development of metabolic syndrome. Increase level of knowledge on physical activity and
sedentary behaviour for non-communicable diseases patients need to be highlighted, in terms of
controlling glycaemic index, metabolic control and cholesterol level. The community health
service was held to 39 participants of Prolanis (Program of chronic diseases management)
members at Johar Baru Public health center, Jakarta. As the results, there were 84.6%
participants who have sedentary behaviour >17.1 hour/day. Most of the participants also have
high risk factors such as hypertension, obesity and hyperglycaemia. It is expected that the Prolanis
member should modify their lifestyle by performing physical activity regularly, such as walking,
cleaning the house or other health activities to prevent complication
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