Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas 2024-07-01T06:35:48+00:00 Ega Leovani Open Journal Systems <p><strong>E-ISSN:</strong> <a href="">2615-2991</a><br /><strong>P-ISSN:</strong> <a href="">2613-9278</a></p> <p><strong>Published by:</strong> Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM), Catholic University Musi Charitas (UKMC), Palembang.</p> <p><strong>Publication Frequency:</strong> Biannually (June and December)</p> <p><strong>Description:</strong><br />Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas (JAMC) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to the dissemination of articles detailing community service activities (PKM) carried out by faculty members both within and beyond the Catholic University Musi Charitas (UKMC) community. The journal provides a platform for sharing practical solutions and innovative approaches to community engagement, contributing to the development and empowerment of society. JAMC is indexed in <a href="">SINTA with Rank 6</a>, reflecting its commitment to academic excellence and its impact in the field of community service research.</p> <p><strong>Scope and Focus:</strong><br />JAMC publishes original research articles, case studies, and reviews that highlight the design, implementation, and impact of community service initiatives. The journal covers a wide range of topics including:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Social Development:</strong> Initiatives aimed at improving community life and social conditions.</li> <li><strong>Public Welfare:</strong> Programs and activities that support disadvantaged groups and promote general well-being.</li> <li><strong>Education:</strong> Projects that enhance educational opportunities and outcomes.</li> <li><strong>Health:</strong> Efforts to improve health services and community health outcomes.</li> <li><strong>Community Empowerment:</strong> Strategies that enable communities to actively participate in their own development.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Mission:</strong><br />The mission of JAMC is to provide a platform for high-quality research that contributes to the understanding and development of community service activities. The journal supports the exchange of knowledge and practical solutions that address community needs and promote social progress.</p> <p><strong>Vision:</strong><br />To be a leading journal recognized for its contributions to community service research and its impact on social development and empowerment.</p> <p><strong>Contact Information:</strong><br />Institute for Research and Community Service, Catholic University Musi Charitas (LPPM UKMC)<br /><strong>Address:</strong> Jl. Bangau No.60, 9 Ilir, Kec. Ilir Tim. II, Kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia<br /><strong>Telp:</strong> <span class="LrzXr zdqRlf kno-fv"><a href=";q=ukmc+palembang#" data-dtype="d3ph" data-local-attribute="d3ph" data-ved="2ahUKEwiV0a_j2tCHAxWA4zgGHad8HDQQkAgoAHoECCsQAw"><span aria-label="Call phone number (0711) 378171">(0711) 378171</span></a></span><br /><strong>Email:</strong> <a rel="noreferrer"></a></p> PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN SABUN PADA KOMUNITAS IBU RUMAH TANGGA DI KELURAHAN WONOCOLO SURABAYA 2024-04-19T02:33:29+00:00 Onny Priskila Suryawan Ang Laili Mufida Sari <p><strong><em>Nowadays it is very important to maintain a healthy body. The pandemic period has passed, but efforts to maintain health must be made, one of which is maintaining personal hygiene. Steps to maintain personal hygiene are washing hands, showering and washing hair. Some of these things require soap to help clean. Darma Cendika Catholic University (UKDC) together with Wonocolo Village, Surabaya City are making collaborative efforts to empower the community, generally housewives, in soap making activities. The aim of this soap making training is to develop skills, increase awareness of health and foster entrepreneurial ideas for Wonocolo sub-district housewives. The target of this activity is the Wonocolo sub-district housewives group. The training methods used include material delivery sessions and direct practice. This research involved 30 participants from community groups around Wonocolo sub-district. Before and after counseling, participants were given a questionnaire, the average result before counseling was 4 and after counseling was 9.2. These results indicate that the material delivered and the soap making training provided were effective in increasing participants' knowledge. It is hoped that this community service activity will have a positive impact on housewives in Wonocolo sub-district and that participants will be able to develop new skills in making soap.</em></strong></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas EDUKASI TENTANG MENUA YANG SEHAT PADA LANJUT USIA DI GEREJA ST. VINCENTIUS A PAULO SURABAYA 2024-05-27T12:24:17+00:00 Maria Theresia Arie Lilyana Alvin Julian <p><strong><em>Elderly are individuls who are more than 60 years age. Increasing age have an impact to decreased physical functional and susceptible to have several chronic disease as a form of geriatric syndrome in elderly. Aim of this activity is to improve elderly awareness about being healthy aging who are carried out through health education and filling out elderly vulnerability questionaire. The results of this activity can determine further activity that can be held in this elderly community of st. Vincentius a Paulo Surabaya church. The results of this activity showed 29 elderly (58%) from 50 participants have a symptom of fatigue as a result filling out elderlyy vulnerability questionaire. Fatigue in elderly can be caused by chronic illnes or sleep disorder due to various causes. Conclusion: based on the screening about elderly vulnerability, fatigue is majority experience for elderly.</em></strong></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas PENDAMPINGAN DAN PELATIHAN TEKNIK BENDING TRIPLEK DALAM PENGGUNAAN KLEM “F” 2024-05-27T12:23:40+00:00 Stefanus Prabani Setio Maria Widyastuti <p><strong><em>This community service activity aimed to enhance motor skills of people with disabilities. Involving 28 participants from three communities in Semarang and Surabaya, the activity provided training in plywood bending using "F" clamps. Observations showed varying abilities: participants with excessive supervision demonstrated 0.25 normal strength, those without special supervision 0.50, and independent individuals achieved 0.9-1.0. These results indicate that independence in daily activities contributes to better motor skill development. The activity emphasized the importance of balancing protection with opportunities for people with disabilities to develop motor skills through light daily activities.</em></strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas PELATIHAN MS. EXCEL UNTUK ORANG MUDA KATOLIK KEUSKUPAN SURABAYA 2024-05-27T12:28:06+00:00 Albertus Daru <p><em>In response to the need for mastery of information technology, the "Upgrading Class" program is offered to Catholic Youth in the Surabaya Diocese with the aim of equipping the younger generation with practical Microsoft Excel skills, enhancing competitiveness in the job market, and fostering community service roles. With a comprehensive training module, participants from diverse backgrounds are taught from basic to advanced concepts. Despite facing challenges such as low participant engagement and unsatisfactory exam results, evaluations indicate that consistent engagement and participation are key to the program's success. Recommendations are made to increase participant engagement and provide additional support to those in need. By implementing these improvements, the Excel training program is expected to be more effective in helping Catholic youth in the Surabaya Diocese prepare for technological challenges and contribute to building a better community.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas PENERAPAN MATEMATIKA EKONOMI MELALUI KEGIATAN PROJEK PENGUATAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA 2024-05-20T10:30:15+00:00 Prihastini Oktasari Putri Rina Febriana Yenny Anggreini Sarumaha Yohana Marice Inda Tri Yunita Sari Qoirina Nur Azizah Desfanti Meliana Isti <p><strong><em>This community service project aims at providing an assistance towards Proyek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) at Bina Jaya Junior High School in Banguntapan. The chosen theme in this activity was sustainable lifestyles associated with economic mathematics by utilizing recycled materials. Some problems behind this community service activity included the lack of school readiness in managing P5 activities, inadequate understanding of teachers related to the Kurikulum Merdeka, and limited school budgets. To address these issues, the current community service activity was conducted involving teachers and students in theme namely a sustainable lifestyles project that utilizes recycled materials. The activity follows the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method, consisting of three stages: action plan, observation and evaluation, and reflection. After finishing the project, there have been a successful improvement in the understanding of school management; teachers and students’s concepts about P5 in Kurikulum Merdeka, as well as the integration of economic mathematics concepts into creative projects. Some examples were crafting plants’ vases from recycled materials, creating organic fertilizers, and planting aloe vera (Aloe vera) and butterfly pea flowers (Clitoria ternatea). The results </em></strong><strong><em>indicate the improvement in understanding the concept of economic mathematics and increasing students’ skills in applying them in a sustainability lifestyle context. Supporting P5 activity with an economic mathematics approach can strengthen students' characters, support the Kurikulum Merdeka, and provide practical insights into economic aspects relevant to daily life.</em></strong></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas MENINGKATKAN KESADARAN PEMUDA/I HKBP ROGATE MEDAN TENTANG PENYALAHGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL SEBAGAI MODUS HUMAN TRAFFICKING 2024-05-31T02:21:20+00:00 Niscaya Hia Eva Margareth Sarah Rolando Marpaung Exmin Jaya Laia Atiek S. Marbun <p><strong><em>Many young people are not aware of the mode of Human trafficking so that many become victims, especially through social media. The current generation of youth is very different from the previous generation in terms of socializing, how to think, and how to solve problems. Many teenagers also abuse social media such as spreading hoax news, defamation and other crimes. This counseling activity is one way to build legal awareness to youth by providing information to be wise in using social media and can avoid the practice of Human trafficking where they will become the next generation in the future. The method used in the implementation of this counseling activity is adjusted to the problems of the partners and the solutions provided from the counseling activities. The approach method is related to providing understanding to PbM-KT participants on the threat and prevention of human trafficking. The results obtained through this counseling activity are youth in the HKBP Rogate Medan Church environment understand the dangers of Human trafficking practices, understand the laws related to Human trafficking and how to be wise in social media so as to avoid the practice of human trafficking.</em></strong></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN HANDSANITIZER BERSAMA POSYANDU REMAJA DESA GEDANGAN KABUPATEN SUKOHARJO 2024-05-27T12:27:42+00:00 Henny Parida Hutapea Septiana Ambarwati <p><strong><em>Antiseptic liquid or nowadays often called hand sanitizer is a hand antiseptic product whose use is very easy and practical. This product has become popular and is often used by people since the Covid 19 pandemic to kill bacteria without using water. It can be used anytime and anywhere, for example after touching things, before eating, after going to the toilet, after shopping, after throwing away the trash. Community empowerment activities in training on making hand sanitizer were carried out at the Gedangan Village Hall. The aim of this community service activity from the Industrial Chemistry Study Program at the Polsapa Surakarta is to convey information and knowledge and provide skills to members of the Gedangan Grogol Sukoharjo Village Youth Posyandu in making hand sanitizer that is safe to use. This activity was attended by 43 participants using the lecture method regarding material on making hand sanitizers and direct manufacturing practices by the activity implementing team. Next, practical workshop activities for participants who are divided into 3 groups. From the results of this community service activity, it can be concluded that the understanding and skills of the Gedangan Gorogol Sukoharjo Village Youth Posyandu regarding the material and practice of making hand sanitizers have increased. This is demonstrated by the ability to respond to questions from the activity implementation team during the activity from the start to the end of the activity and being able to make your own hand sanitizer.</em></strong></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas EDUKASI LAPORAN KEUANGAN DAN PROMOSI DIGITAL PADA USAHA AYAM GEPREK SAMBAL PETIR DI SERANG BARU KABUPATEN BEKASI 2024-05-27T12:24:51+00:00 Sindik Widati Dede Puspa Pujia Dheni Muhammad Mahendra Windi Windi Syalsabilla Syalsabilla <p><strong><em>Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in a country's economy, including in Indonesia. However, MSMEs often face challenges in increasing their competitiveness during increasingly fierce global competition, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic which made people build businesses in the culinary field. Things that can help MSMEs increase their competitiveness are the use of information technology or social media. The community service partner is the Ayam Geprek Sambal Petir business in Bekasi Regency. The obstacles include limited knowledge in calculating and preparing financial reports and not understanding how to promote their business using social media. The solution to these problems is to provide education about financial reports and business promotion using social media. The implementation method is in the form of lectures, discussions, simulations and implementation of financial reports and the use of social media. The activity results show that partners can compile financial reports independently with the help of the Sepran application and can create promotional content using social media. </em></strong></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas PENDAMPINGAN HARMONISASI PERATURAN PERPAJAKAN UU NO. 7 TAHUN 2021 PADA GRUP PT. SAHABAT AGRO MAKMUR SEJAHTERA MAKASSAR 2024-07-01T06:35:48+00:00 Suwandi Ng Fransiskus E. Daromes <p style="margin: 0cm; text-align: justify;"><strong><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 11.0pt;">Law No. 7 of 2021 regulates the subject matter of General Provisions and Tax Procedures, namely Harmonization of Tax Regulations (HPP). The reasons behind the creation of the HPP Law aim to increase sustainable economic growth, support the acceleration of economic recovery, optimize state revenues, create a tax system that is fairer, provide legal certainty, and implement administrative reform and harmonious and consolidative tax policies. However, changes to several important components in the HPP Law have an impact on the mechanisms and technical calculations of tax components, especially operational technical ones. This service activity is designed to socialize, provide assistance, and provide simulations for companies and taxpayers. The expected output from this service is a real understanding from taxpayers.</span></em></strong></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas