
  • Ayu Mas Politeknik Penerbangan Palembang
  • Dwi Cahyono Politeknik Penerbangan Palembang
  • Direstu Amalia Politeknik Penerbangan Palembang


Safety Management System, SMS Training


The Airport Management Unit (UPBU) as one of the flight service providers whose obliged to
make, implement, evaluate and improve continuously the Safety Management System (SMS). The
UPBU must be supported by competent personnel of SMS. In order to meet the needs of personnel
in SMS, Palembang Aviation Polytechnic collaborates with the Secretariat General of Air
Transportation, organized community service activities through SMS training which was held
online. This activity is aimed at participants are able to explain the concepts of SMS and apply
them in their respective work according to national and international standards. This activity was
attended by 19 UPBU employees from all regions of Indonesia and 1 person from the Palembang
Aviation Polytechnic. The results obtained indicate that training was run effectively from the
questionnaire evaluation of participants. There is an allocation of examination time and internet
connectivity need to be improved from this activity and internet connectivity is one of the important
factors that support the smooth running of online learning activities.


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How to Cite

Mas, A., Cahyono, D., & Amalia, D. . (2020). PELATIHAN SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM BAGI PEGAWAI UNIT PENYELENGGARA BANDAR UDARA. Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas, 4(2), 50–55. Retrieved from