
  • Heriyanto Heriyanto Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
  • Anastasia Sri Mendari Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
  • Suramaya Suci Kewal Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
  • Yohanes Andri Putranto Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
  • Agustinus Widyartono Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas
  • Yevira Yevira Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas


The activities of the Marriage Preparation Course are under the coordination of the 1st Dean
of Palembang Archdiocese. Family Commission Dean 1 Palembang Archdiocese is a partner
in community service activities with a family financial planning training program. The number
of participants in this activity was 35 people, 52% male and 48% female, mostly aged 23-27
years (49%), and most of them had incomes ranging from IDR 2,000,000 – IDR 4,000,000
(35%). Participants are young couples who plan to have a Catholic wedding. This activity has
the theme of Financial Planning Training: Family Financial Health. The purpose of this
activity is so that KPP participants have the skills to prepare balance sheets and cash flow
reports for family finances. Through financial management skills, participants are expected to
be able to realize family financial health. During the activity, participants were asked to identify
sources of funds and allocation of funds that have been carried out so far and carry out
financial health checks based on patterns of financial management. The training process
covers several stages namely Awareness, Knowledge, and Simulation Activities. Through this
activity, participants gain insight into good family financial planning. Participants also know
the level of health related to the current condition of family financial management.


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How to Cite

Heriyanto, H., Sri Mendari, A. ., Suci Kewal, S. ., Andri Putranto, Y. ., Widyartono, A. ., & Yevira, Y. (2023). PELATIHAN PERENCANAAN KEUANGAN : KESEHATAN KEUANGAN KELUARGA. Jurnal Abdimas Musi Charitas, 7(1), 56–70. Retrieved from

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