Biodiesel, rubber seed, solid catalystAbstract
Rubber seeds are an alternative raw material for biodiesel with great potential in Indonesia. This
is because Indonesia is one of the largest rubber producers in Asia. Rubber seed oil has not been
widely used. Therefore, this rubber seed oil needs to be processed, among others by reacting
rubber seed oil with alcohol or by using an alcoholysis process, using Pertamina unit III petroleum
cracking waste catalyst, which is also a waste, so that it can be utilized. The purpose of this service
is in addition to applying the results of myCompetitive Grant research (Kiagus Ahmad Roni) which
was funded by DIKTI in 2013-2014, also to provide knowledge and examples to the people of
Sukajadi village, Prabumulih Timur sub-district, Prabumulih city, Muara Enim district, this
service is proposed to be funded. by DIKTI for 2020, in 2015 this service was funded by DIKTI to
be implemented in Sumber Harum Village, Tunggal Jaya District and Margarahayu Village,
Muara Telang District, Musi Banyu Asin Regency (MUBA) in processing rubber seeds to make
them more useful. The method used is Partipatory Action Research. This activity includes
outreach, mentoring and piloting in the community. The output targets to be achieved are
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