Pemberdayaan Ibu-Ibu PKK Dalam Pelatihan Pembuatan Decoupage Berbasis Industri Kreatif
Keywords: Decoupage, creative industry, marketplace, Palembang, marketing strategyAbstract
This training aims to increase the economic independence of housewives in RT 030 RW 007,
Kalidoni Village, Palembang. The implementation of this activity is packaged interactively by
presenting lecturers from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah
Palembang. The form of service activities is in the form of decoupage technique training, this
technique is a technique of beautifying ordinary items into good products, artistic value and
higher selling value. The material used is plain woven bag material which is then decoupage
technique (from French which means cutting, decorating), affixed with motif tissue paper
(napkin) followed by varnishing, will produce a beautiful woven bag. This skill is quite easy but
requires precision and gentleness because the tissue paper used is very smooth and easily torn if
you are not careful in cutting, pasting and varnishing. Not only training, but in this activity,
online business counseling is also held through the marketplace and social media. An effective
solution for mothers of productive age but do not work outside the home. Overall, the
implementation of activities can provide new business opportunities for housewives.
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