Eksplorasi Program Keperawatan sebagai Pilihan Studi: Sebuah Pendekatan Kualitatif


  • Sanny Frisca Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas, Indonesia
  • Dheni Koerniawan Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas, Indonesia
  • M. Yamin STIKes Hesti Wira Sriwijaya, Indonesia




interest, nursing, student


The challenge of the need for nursing personnel faced with the stereotype of the profession and nurse education has become a significant influence in making nursing a further study and individual career path. Various studies on factors that influence career choices, but those that focus on nursing, especially qualitative approaches, are still limited. This study aims to explore the motivations and perceptions that shape the nursing program as a study. A qualitative design was used on 81 participants whose data was obtained randomly through open-ended questions in an online questionnaire. Two-stage thematic analysis and text analysis with wordcloud and link terms are used to process the data to obtain themes and in-depth analysis based on research objectives. The two themes are interest and professional perception. The interest theme has sub-themes of internal and external factors, while the theme of professional perception consists of sub-themes of professional characteristics, helping others, and job opportunities. The three keywords with the most occurrences are nursing (related to the keywords reason, choosing, having, and job opportunities), people (related to the words parents, sick people, and job opportunities), and nurses (related to the words ideal, job opportunity, job, noble, and becoming). Based on the findings of this study, educational programs can be designed to uphold students' values and achieve their aspirations to become future nurses and create a learning environment that accelerates the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and the ability to survive in various conditions. Further research can make parents as participants to see the view from the other side of the reason for choosing a nursing program as a further study.




How to Cite

Frisca, S., Koerniawan, D., & Yamin, M. . (2025). Eksplorasi Program Keperawatan sebagai Pilihan Studi: Sebuah Pendekatan Kualitatif. Jurnal Kesehatan Saelmakers PERDANA (JKSP), 8(1), 188–197. https://doi.org/10.32524/jksp.v8i1.1402