Hubungan Status Gizi dan Personal Hygiene dengan Kejadian Diare pada balita di Polikrilinik Mapolda Sumsel


  • Ranida Arsi Universita Kader Bangsa Palembang, Indonesia
  • Andre Utama Saputra Universita Kader Bangsa Palembang, Indonesia
  • Nila Alfa Fauziah Universita Kader Bangsa Palembang, Indonesia
  • Tri Wulan Agustina Universita Kader Bangsa Palembang, Indonesia



Nutritional status, personal hygiene, incidence of diarrhea in toddlers


Diarrhea is a globally prevalent disease influenced by environmental factors. Each year, approximately 1.7 billion cases occur, with 760,000 deaths among children under five. Poor nutritional status increases susceptibility to diarrhea due to a weakened immune system, while inadequate personal hygiene further raises infection risks. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between nutritional status, personal hygiene, and diarrhea incidence in toddlers at the South Sumatra Police Headquarters Polyclinic. Using an analytical survey with a cross-sectional approach, 55 toddlers were selected from a total of 124 through purposive sampling. Results showed a significant relationship between nutritional status and diarrhea incidence (p=0.007) and between personal hygiene and diarrhea (p=0.019). To reduce cases, the polyclinic should enhance health promotion and provide continuous education for mothers on diarrhea prevention




How to Cite

Arsi, R., Utama Saputra, A., Alfa Fauziah, N., & Wulan Agustina, T. (2025). Hubungan Status Gizi dan Personal Hygiene dengan Kejadian Diare pada balita di Polikrilinik Mapolda Sumsel. Jurnal Kesehatan Saelmakers PERDANA (JKSP), 8(1), 181–187.