Kepatuhan Bidan dalam Pelaksanaan Manajemen Aktif Kala III Asuhan Persalinan Normal
Active management stage III, Compliance, Normal childbirth careAbstract
The maternal mortality rate is still high, especially in countries with low and lower middle income. There are three top causes of maternal death, namely eclampsia, bleeding and infection. Maternal and Neonatal Health introduces international standard method, namely active management of the third stage in an effort to prevent bleeding in stage III. The results of peer review of normal Childbirth care in Wonosobo found that midwife’s compliance in implementing active management in stage III from 20 respondents was only 63%. The aim is to determine the compliance of midwife’s in implementing active management in stage III of Normal Childbirth Care at Puskesmas Sukoharjo I and Sukoharjo II, Wonosobo Regency. Quantitative descriptive research with 30 respondents. Data was taken using checklist containing age, education, length of practice and implementation of active management in stage III which was adopted from the skills checklist I of OSCA book. The data was analyzed using frequency distribution analysis to describe characteristics of respondents and midwife’s compliance with carrying out active management in the third stage of Normal Childbirth Care. The results showed that 27 (90%) respondents had level of compliance in implementing active management in the third stage, while 3 (10%) respondents didn’t comply. The conclusion is that there are midwife’s who are still disobedient in implementing Active Management in Stage III of Normal Childbirth Care. Therefore, midwife’s must continue to refresh their knowledge and skills by attending seminars or training and applying in providing services.
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