Efektivitas Promosi Kesehatan dengan Metode Audio Visual Terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku Personal Hygiene Pada Upaya Pencegahan Kecacingan
Audio Visual, Worms, Health PromotionAbstract
Health problems in Indonesia, especially one of the infectious diseases, are worms. This disease generally attacks school-aged children. In 2018, 24% of the world's population suffered from helminthiasis or it could be said that as many as 1.5 billion people were infected. Quantitative analytical descriptive research with a Quasi-Experimental Research Design with a Two group Pre-test and Post-test design dividing the intervention group and the control group. The sample used in this research was 103 students in grades 4 and 5 at SDN Tapos 2 Depok City using statistical techniques with the Wilcoxon test to see whether or not there was a difference in average scores before and after the intervention and the Mann-Whitney test to compare the results between variables. knowledge, attitudes and personal hygiene behavior between the intervention group and the control group. The Wilcoxon test showed that the results showed an increase in students' personal hygiene knowledge, attitudes and behavior before and after being given health promotion regarding worm prevention efforts with the intervention group p value 0.000 for each variable and in the control group knowledge p value 0.317, attitude p value 0.180 , and personal hygiene behavior p value 0.655. The Mann-Whitney U test on the variables of knowledge, attitudes and personal hygiene behavior showed a p value of 0.000 <0.05 so that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected, so there were differences in knowledge, attitudes and personal hygiene behavior between the intervention group and the control group. So health promotion using audio-visual methods has an influence on increasing knowledge, attitudes and personal hygiene behavior in students. So in the teaching and learning process you can apply this method to help improve efforts to prevent communicable and non-communicable diseases.
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