Jurnal Laboratorium Prima <p>Jurnal ini merupakan media publikasi untuk scope ilmu Laboratorium Kesehatan yang meliputi keilmuan: Bakteriologi, Imunoserologi, Mikologi, Virologi, Kimia Klinik, Toksikologi, Hematologi, Parasitologi, Jaminan Mutu, Sistem Manajemen Mutu Laboratorium, Transfusi Darah, Biologi Molekuler dan kesehatan lainnya. </p> en-US mustika@ukmc.ac.id (Mustika Sari H Hutabarat) agnesfelicia@ukmc.ac.id (Agnes Felicia Lubis) Thu, 16 Nov 2023 07:28:37 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Perbedaan Jumlah Trombosit Pada Sampel Darah Yang Dihomogenisasi Sekunder Secara Inversi 2 Kali Dan 8 Kali Setelah Didiamkan Selama 30 Menit Dengan Hematology Analyzer <p><em>Examination of platelets is an examination that is often asked to be examined by doctors. Homogenization enters into the pre-analytical stage. Homogenization is the mixing evenly between blood and anticoagulants. Homogenization in the laboratory must be carried out properly according to existing procedures so as not to affect the examination results. After the blood is homogenized initially or primary homogenized after blood sampling, a delay in examination is carried out which causes the blood to precipitate, so it is necessary to homogenize after the blood has settled or secondary homogenization so that the blood is homogeneous when it is examined. Secondary homogenization does not yet have standard provisions. To find out the difference in the results of the platelet count examination in the secondary homogenization technique 2 and 8 times. This research is a quantitative observational study with cross sectional and total sampling technique. Samples were homogenized primary 10 times and left for 30 minutes, then samples were homogenized secondary 2 times and 8 times. Platelet counts were checked using the Sysmex XP-100. Data were analyzed using the Paired Sample T-Test with a 95% confidence level. 2 times secondary homogenization has a mean value of 297.06 x 103 / µL and 8 times secondary homogenization has a mean value of 296 x 103 / µL. The data is normally distributed and the hypothesis test is continued, namely the Paired Sample T- Test and the probability results are 0.655 &gt; 0.05, which means there is no difference.</em></p> <p><em>Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is no difference in the number of platelets in the secondary homogenization of the inversion technique 2 times and 8 times. Further research is recommended to increase the number of research samples with methods and principles, volume variations and variations in sample treatment so that broader and varied research can be useful as a consideration for use in the laboratory</em></p> Elza Angraini, Rosnita Sebayang, Mustika Sari Hutabarat Copyright (c) 2023 Elza Angraini, Rosnita Sebayang, Mustika Sari Hutabarat Mon, 27 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Perbedaan Hasil Pemeriksaan LED Secara Manual dan Menggunakan Alat Automatic <p><em>In 1973 it was stated and published that the Westergren method was the method recommended by the ICSH (International Committee for Standardization in Hematology). The manual LED examination of the Westergren method was carried out on blood samples with EDTA anticoagulant and took 60 minutes, but now an LED examination with One of the automatic methods is using the HumaSRate tool. The HumaSRate tool only takes 20 minutes to examine samples. In this study the researchers examined the differences in LED inspection results manually and using automatic tools. The results of this study found that there were no differences in LED inspection results between methods manual and automatic.</em> <em>Know the differences in LED Inspection Results Manually and Using Automatic Tools</em> <em>This research is an analytic observation with a cross sectional approach using total sampling technique. The research subjects were 33 students who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results of LED inspection using manual and automatic methods were tested using the Wilcoxon test.</em> <em>The average manual method of LED inspection is 18.5 mm/hour. The average LED inspection by the automatic method is 19.0 mm/hour with a statistical test result of p-value =</em></p> <p><em>0.167 (&gt; 0.05).</em> <em>There is no difference in the results of the LED inspection between the manual </em></p> <p><em>and automatic methods.</em> <em>For future researchers, if they want to conduct research similar </em></p> <p><em>to this study, it is advisable to conduct research using two different automatic tools and </em></p> <p><em>with different sample processing times.</em></p> Arip Wahyudi, Maria Nuraeni, Margareta Haiti Copyright (c) 2023 Arip Wahyudi, Maria Nuraeni, Margareta Haiti Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Perbedaan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Sampel Darah yang Dihomogenisasi Sekunder Inversi 2 Kali dan 8 Kali Setelah Ditunda Selama 30 Menit dengan Hematology Analyzer <p><em>Hemoglobin test is one of the tests performed in a clinical laboratory that aims to determine the hemoglobin level in a person's body. The sample used in hemoglobin examination is blood with EDTA anticoagulant. Anticoagulants act to inactivate blood clotting factors. Therefore, blood that has been put into a tube with anticoagulant must be immediately primary homogenized. In the field, blood samples that have been collected are usually not immediately examined, resulting in delays. Blood that has been primary homogenized if left to stand will experience precipitation. Therefore, blood samples must be re-homogenized (secondary homogenization) before testing. To see if there is a difference in hemoglobin levels secondary homogenized 2 and 8 times after standing for 30 minutes. This type of research is observational research with cross sectional research design. The research subjects examined were 32 people. The study subjects had their blood drawn in 2 tubes and then each tube was primary homogenized 8 times and allowed to stand for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the tube with code A was secondary homogenized 2 times and then examined on the Sysmex XP-100 device and the tube with code B was secondary homogenized 8 times and then examined on the Sysmex XP-100 device. Data were analyzed using Paired Sample T- Test test with 95% confidence level. Hemoglobin levels for tubes that were secondary homogenized 2 times obtained a mean value of 13.2 g/dL and standard deviation (SD) 1.17 g/dL while for tubes that were secondary homogenized 8 times obtained a mean value of 13.2 g/dL and SD 1.13 g/dL. Statistical test results showed that there was no p = 0.567 (&gt;0.05). Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that there is no significant difference in the results of secondary homogenized tubes 2 times and 8 times. In future studies, the number of samples used should be increased again.</em></p> Miftahul Jannah, Rosnita Sebayang, Mustika Sari Hutabarat Copyright (c) 2023 Miftahul Jannah, Rosnita Sebayang, Mustika Sari Hutabarat Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Perbedaan Hasil Pemeriksaan Jumlah Eritrosit Darah Vena Dengan Pembendungan Selama 50 Detik dan 80 Detik <p><strong><em>Background </em></strong><strong>: </strong><em>Torniquet containment is one that can affect the results of the erythrocyte count. Dam according to CLSI should not be more than 1 minute. But sometimes in taking venous blood there is damming for more than one minute. In this study, researchers examined the differences in the number of venous blood erythrocytes by damming for 50 seconds and 80 seconds. The results of this study found that there were differences in the number of erythrocytes with 50 seconds and 80 seconds of containment.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Objective </em></strong><strong>: </strong><em>Knowing the difference in the results of venous blood erythrocyte counts with damming for 50 seconds and 80 seconds.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Methods </em></strong><strong>: </strong><em>This research is a pre-experimental study with a cross-sectional approach using total sampling technique. The subjects of this study were 32 students who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Venous blood that has been collected by damming for 50 seconds and 80 seconds, then examined the number of erythrocytes using the Sysmex XP-100. Data from sample measurements were then tested using the Paired Sample t-test.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Result </em></strong><strong>: </strong><em>The average number of venous blood erythrocytes with damming for 50 seconds was 4.48x106/µl. The average number of venous blood erythrocytes with damming for 80 seconds was 4.50x106/µl.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion </em></strong><strong>: </strong><em>There is a difference in the results of examining the number of venous blood erythrocytes by holding 50 seconds and 80 seconds using the Sysmex XP-100 with a value (sig 2 tailed) 0,03&gt; 0,05.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Suggestion </em></strong><strong>: </strong><em>Torniquet containment for 80 seconds cannot be used to check the RBC count.</em></p> Putri Lenda Copyright (c) 2023 Putri Lenda Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Perbedaan Jumlah Leukosit yang Dihomogenisasi Sekunder Sebanyak 2 dan 8 Kali setelah Didiamkan Selama 30 Menit <p><strong><em>Background: </em></strong><em>Leukocytes are one of the hematological examinations. Blood collected in K<sub>2</sub>EDTA tubes must be primary homogenized and then examined. However, sometimes in the laboratory, the examination is not carried out immediately after blood collection so that if it is allowed to stand for some time, it must be secondary homogenized so that it does not form a precipitate and mixes well.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Objective: </em></strong><em>To determine whether there is a difference in the number of leukocytes that are secondary homogenized 2 and 8 times after standing for 30 minutes.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Methods: </em></strong><em>This type of research is a cross-sectional study. Blood was examined using the Sysmex XP- 100 tool with the impedance method in the UKMC FIKES Clinical Chemistry laboratory. The samples in this study were students from the DIV Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program level I and IV by total sampling. Data were analyzed using the Paired Samples T Test.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Results: </em></strong><em>Secondary homogenized leukocyte count examination 2 times obtained an average result of</em></p> <p><em>7.41 x 10<sup>3</sup> /µl, and secondary homogenized leukocyte count 8 times obtained an average result of 7.43 x 10<sup>3</sup> /µl. These results show there is no significant difference between secondary homogenization 2 and 8 times with p (sig) = 0.852 (&gt; 0.005).</em></p> <p><strong><em>Conclusion: </em></strong><em>Based on this study, it can be concluded that there is no difference in the results of secondary homogenized leukocyte counts 2 and 8 times.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Suggestion: </em></strong><em>Secondary homogenization is sufficient for 2 times after the sample has been allowed to stand for 30 minutes.</em></p> Kartika Englishiana, Rosnita Sebayang, Mustika Sari Hutabarat Copyright (c) 2023 Kartika Englishiana, Rosnita Sebayang, Mustika Sari Hutabarat Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000